Press Release

NEW YORK, November 9, 2015 – Replicor Inc., a privately held biopharmaceutical company targeting a cure for patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) and chronic HBV and hepatitis delta virus (HDV) co-infection, announces allowance by the United States Patent and Trademark Office of its patent applications describing methods for the treatment of chronic HBV and HDV that combine treatment with agents that can reduce serum HBsAg and immunotherapeutic agents.

These allowed patents, protect the use of methods to treat patients with HBV infection or HBV / HDV co-infection that include combining different technologies that can be used to lower surface antigen in the blood of patients with different immunotherapeutic agents. Protected agents to lower serum HBsAg include nucleic acid polymers or any siRNA targeting the cleavage of HBV mRNA at any location within the region encoding HBsAg. Protected immunotherapeutic agents include pegylated interferons and a variety of other immunotherapeutic agents approved for or in development for the treatment of HBV infection.

“With the evolving awareness that combining HBsAg elimination with immunotherapy will be key to achieving high rates of functional cure in patients with chronic HBV infection, these patents provide Replicor with a dominant intellectual property position in the field,” said Dr. Michel Bazinet, CEO.

About Replicor
Replicor is a privately held biopharmaceutical company with the most advanced animal and human clinical data in the development of the cure for HBV and HDV. The company is dedicated to accelerating the development of an effective treatment for patients with HBV and HBV/HDV infection. For further information about Replicor please visit our website at or follow us on Twitter @replicorinc.

Media Contact:
Alexandra Peterson
(212) 508-9709