Press Release
Media Contact:
Alexandra Peterson
(212) 508-9709
NEW YORK, August 2, 2016 – Replicor Inc., a privately held biopharmaceutical company targeting a cure for patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) and chronic HBV and hepatitis delta virus (HDV) co-infection, announces the publication of an invited review article on its nucleic acid polymer (NAP) technology in the journal Antiviral Research (
This invited review of Replicor’s NAP technology forms part of a symposium in the journal Antiviral Research entitled “An unfinished story: from the discovery of the Australia antigen to the development of new curative therapies for Hepatitis B”, jointly edited by Dr. Michael Bray (Medical Officer, NIH) and Dr. Timothy Block (President of the Hepatitis B Foundation). This review provides an overview of the broad spectrum antiviral effects of NAPs with a focus on their development for the treatment of hepatitis B and hepatitis D infections.
About Replicor
Replicor is a privately held biopharmaceutical company with the most advanced animal and human clinical data in the development of the cure for HBV and HDV. The company is dedicated to accelerating the development of an effective treatment for patients with HBV and HBV/HDV co-infection. For further information about Replicor please visit our website at